Skator Gator 3D – Stats on Steam


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Short Description: Stop the mayor from polluting the swamp in this short, 3D adventure! Explore new open locales with skateboard in hand or while grinding on pipelines — Greenjamin's skating into the third dimension in SKATOR GATOR 3D!

Platforms: Windows

Publisher: Weathered Sweater

Developer: Weathered Sweater

Release: Aug 31, 2023 (9 months ago)

Price: $4.99

Reviews: 115

Score: 9/10

Followers: 480

Tags: 3D 3D Platformer Action Action-Adventure Adventure Arcade Cartoon Cartoony Collectathon Colorful Cute Family Friendly Linear Platformer Precision Platformer Short Singleplayer Skateboarding Skating Sports

Genres: Action, Adventure, Indie, Sports


Revenue Estimate: ~$11,000

Historical Charts